Tile Logo
Code Word
A Peace Ray Game

Design & Implementation
Jake Rosin

Software Libraries released under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Android™ © 2022 The Android Open Source Project
Android Jetpack™ (various libraries) © 2022 The Android Open Source Project
Hilt © 2022 The Android Open Source Project
Gson © 2008 Google Inc.
Timber © 2013 Jake Wharton

Colors and Color Palettes
UI Color Collective: Sunrise (as "Sunrise" and "Horizon"), Sunset Ocean (as "Sunset" and "Horizon"), Playroom
Scheme Color: Rainbow Swirl by Color Man(as "Primary")
Peace Ray's Quantro: Quantro, Retro
Google's Material Design Colors: General colors for feedback and UI elements. As organized by Danielle Vass.

Special Thanks
Miranda, without you I couldn't have done it.
Josh Wardle, for making Wordle
And thank you, reader of credits. I made this for you.

Code Word, Peace Ray, and the tile logo are trademarks of Peace Ray LLC.
Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
Wordle is a trademark of The New York Times Company